Land Registry Lease Plans

What are land registry compliant lease plans and when do I need one?

When you renew or take on a new lease lasting seven years or longer it must be registered with HM Land Registry. It must also have a compliant lease plan.

A lease plan is essentially a drawing that identifies a leasehold demise and its location. In other words, a metric drawing to an appropriate scale depicting exactly the area of land included within the lease and its location within the local environment.

The Land Registry’s guidelines for preparing plans can help anyone through the necessary steps. However if you want to be assured of results on your first submission or advice on how to proceed, speak to us about the particular plan or service you need.

Looking for expert advice on Land Registry compliant lease plans? David Waddams has been producing lease plans since 2005. 

Work with us to get your lease plan right first time

Once instructed, an appointment will be made to inspect your property and complete a dimensional survey. 
The lease plan is then digitally drawn up and a draft copy forwarded for your approval. 

Once approved, the completed lease plan is sent in PDF format directly to you and/or your solicitor.

Printed to scale copies can also be posted if requested. We can liaise with other property professionals when required.  

Commercial lease plans


The draft lease plan will be forwarded typically within two working days from the site visit. More complicated lease plans may take longer dependent on the size and nature of the property.

Restaurant bar lease plans

Other Land Registry plans

We produce a wide range of fully compliant Land Registry plans including boundary plans and transfer plans. Plans can be produced from client-supplied existing information dependent on the quality of the floor plans held.

Client endorsements

Looking for a quote on a Land Registry compliant lease plan?

Call us on 01544 262115 or complete our enquiry form

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